A downloadable game

I wrote alot of stuff to Cry ash and here it is

Look i apologized, want the truth of why im a bitch and cant handle stuff? Well my mom had an abusive dad and she carried that trait with her, i’ve been beat till i bled and i cant handle shit anymore i’m tired of everyones shit on here and yelling at me i’ve been yelled at by Lanna a bit, you, Overlord, and P I T C H, i just want people to stop hating me or cyberbullying me i’m tired of it, i wake up in the middle of the night woth panic attacks from my mom and dad, i’ve had panic attack at random times, i’ve been sent home from school due to them, i’ve had mental and physical break downs i’ve cried at the easiest things and people think they have the right to call me a spoiled brat? I’ve had bruises and scars i’ve yelled until i lost my voice all because of my mom and dad i’m tired of people on here i’m tired of people in real life sometimes i dont eat sleep or drink for 3 or 4 days because of it i’m tired of everything, i just want there to be a place like i feel like i actually belong, i never have and i dont think i ever will, not until i die ofcourse, i’ve written heart felt apologies and all you ask from me is more more more! I just want to be left alone, i want to feel free not like my life is ruined like a puzzel with missing pieces and pieces from other puzzels or like i have to pretend stuff to fit in with other people and keep a fake smile plastered on my face or pretend i’m happy, this is the reason i want a therapist, i’m only a little but happy at my grandmas and i dont get to see her for 6 more weeks! I just wish my life would stop hating me i wish people would stop hating me...

I dont know what else to say besides please leave me alone..

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sorry i know im not aloud to comment on this i just wanna say something.

its okay to have opinions. its okay to hate people. its okay to like people. its okay to have feelings.

as long as you dont act out upon it. as long you dont purposefully yell and hurt their feelings. i understand if they were talking shit to you. but they probably have something going on as well. even if that sounds classic as hell, it's most likely true.  people were rioting not to long ago because they felt that black people didnt have equal rights. and thats great! they voiced what they thought and tried to make it happen! but they also destroyed other people's things and harmed officers. just because people had different views and opinions they singled the people who did out.

you dont have to make more apologies, you dont have to actually feel sorry. as long you realized what you did and owned to it at least once you're ok.

I did, i mean i did lash out a bit harsh- 

(1 edit)

you thought someone was being rude to you and you stood up for yourself- but then you realized that they weren't  trying and you made a mistake to be rude so you owned up to it.

so i think you're fine lol.

Oh ok good



I know I'm a bit late.....and I shouldn't be posting here...but I have at least this to say.... even if you did not mean the outburst, you should cease all hatred for PITCH. they didn't do or say anything wrong as far as I'm concirned. NO ONE deserves that, even if they are mean. (I'm not saying anyone is mean like that.) and overlord too! they were just trying to help a friend, by standing up for them.

idk what to say so this is what i do :):):):

If your here leave already...

I dont need you or your opinions just me and myself and my dumb opinions